About the Bouquet Dill Seed Pack
Bouquet Dill | Anethum graveolens | Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada | Annual | Open Pollinated | Heirloom
Early Maturing variety used for fresh greens, large blooms for cut flowers and seed head production. Great for producing baby lead pro. The flowers can be used to garnish potato salad, green salads, and pickles. When broken into florets, they can be mixed into a cheese spread or omelet.
Companion plants: Brassicas, Onion, Peppers, Tomato (until Dill is Mature), Cucumber, Corn, Lettuce, Eggplant.
Far from: Carrots, Coriander, Tomato.
Planting tip: Direct seed in spring as soon as the soil can be worked.
Harvesting tip: The entire plant is harvestable. Harvest foliage once the plant has fully established right up to flowering. Harvest seeds when seed heads turn golden brown.
Herb seed count: 100
Seed depth:1/4-1/2″ Direct, Plant spacing:18″, Row spacing:24″, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:2, Germination:10-21 d/j, 15-21°C Optimally:18°C, Days to maturity:40-55 d/j, Edible leaf, Edible flower, Attracts pollinators
Please note: Colours and designs are representative, with variations in device displays/settings and lighting they may vary slightly in person. If you have any questions, please call 613.232.1733 and we would be happy to assist you!