About the Ficus Lyrata 'Fiddle Leaf Fig' A favourite among plant lovers and interior designers alike, how gorgeous are these Ficus Lyrata bushes?! Perfect for the plant lover with a modern aesthetic and an affinity for large lush foliage.    Light: Bright, natural indirect sunlight Water: Water when the top layer of soil is dry about 1 inch deep from the top. Remember to remove any excess standing water after about 10-15 minutes to help prevent rotting the roots over time. Additional Care Tips: Your Ficus Lyrata's leaves will accumulate dust overtime, which interferes with the flow of carbon dixoide into the plant and the resulting outflow of oxygen into the room. Clean the leaves by placing one hand under the leaf and with your other hand gently wipe the surface using a damp microfiber cloth. Keeping your plant regularly free of dust as part of your plant care routine is not only great for the plant, but also for you! Difficulty: Intermediate Toxicity: Toxic to animals and humans. Growth Rate: Moderate Common Names: Fiddle-Leaf Fig, Rubber Tree Origin: West Africa *Please note: Plants may not look exactly as shown.  

Ficus Lyrata 'Fiddle Leaf Fig'

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6" $48
10" Tree
10" Tree $175
This product is available for both pickup and delivery.